No Pants>Pants

2:48 pm

"The power of the statement piece(s)"

You can throw it on and go.

You know very well, nothing in your closet can resist the prospect of elevation by the hands the statement piece. All your jeans, tops, skirts, dresses get along with it. They all look good because of it. It simultaneously plays the role of outfit unifier, compliment attracter and whatever it's initial purpose was (eg. keeping you warm). It's just that item of clothing you know will always make you look and feel great.

"It's not supposed to make sense but it does, and that's my favourite kinda clothing."

Jackets and coats have a special place in my heart for this specific reason. An amazing outer piece of clothing like a classic denim jacket or weird coat might just serve greater purpose than a plain white t in my opinion. A staple t-shirt in a neutral colour is cool, because of its obvious repeat wear, chameleon-esque quality. A statement piece, however, is better. You can still wear it with anything and in different ways, the added bonus is the fact that you will always hit a home run with this one. Not much pre-thought is needed when trying to execute a look that involves a sensational statement piece, just put on some other random stuff, and the jacket/coat/skirt/shirt/whatever will do its magic and turn it into a legit outfit. This look is an example.

I want to talk about two pieces. Two statement pieces to be exact. Both vintage.

The Coat 

This one is special, as it's one of the first few vintage pieces I purchased. I've beeeen meaning to post it on the blog, but prior to this v spontaneous outfit choice, I had my mind set on creating a masterpiece of an outfit to truly depict my love and reverence. haha. I heart this coat x100. I love it because no one else has it ( a very very important quality of the statement piece). I love it because even though it is nice to look at, it still is equally as practical, with huge pockets, and just the right thickness for multi-seasonal wear. The coat its self was bought on a whim, on a day that I was supposed to be helping someone else buy stuff, but upon reflection, I can't really picture my cupboard pre-coat. Also upon reflection it was hella cheap in comparison to its TopShop and Zara counterparts (another plus for vintage shopping and the recurring nature of fashion). The texture and proportion is the reason that this coat is dubbed by yours truly as a statement piece. Because it's uncommonly textured and oversized, it makes you look. It's not supposed to make sense but it does, and that's my favourite kinda clothing.

The Shirt (also commonly referred to as Dress) 

I love redefining clothing and wearing things in weird ways. Although this is not exactly that weird (It's a tried and tested ensemble, usually worn with knee socks/nothing else and usually with a shirt that does not belong to the wearer- according to movies and stuff), I like that the way I wore this shirt is a kind of elevation of its stereotype to actual day wear. Cool trend from last summer carried over to the next sunny season me thinks. Buying massive shirts and T-shirts and wearing them as dresses is wayyy cooler than wearing actual dresses, especially if they are vintage :). The idea that you look like you forgot to put on pants today and still managed to look cool, oozes 'don't-care-chic'.
I bought this one from a street vintage clothing vendor at First Thursdays. Dress, Jacket, actual shirt, whatever, this piece is extremely versatile and extremely timeless, as I don't think there will ever come a time when stripes are outdated.

"Buying massive shirts and T-shirts and wearing them as dresses is wayyy cooler than wearing actual dresses"

So overall, I think I've created an interesting paradox of vibes. Sleepy pyjama type vibes with the shirt, mixed with P.I.M.P vibes from the fluffy coat, tied together with clunky boots and a contrasted shoot location of ivy and concrete to boot.

I'm going to write a piece about the places where I get these clothes because I defs think vintage shopping is somewhat of an art. I promise I will.

Photography by Jemma Richmond

Oufit Details

coat: vintage
shirt: vinatge
stockings and socks: Woolworths
boots: Topshop

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